Y-E-S奨励賞Plus 受賞者
東京大学生産技術研究所 教授
DLX デザインアカデミー 共同ディレクター
教授 Miles Pennington先生
The Honda YES Plus award granted me an opportunity to work as a Design Researcher at the DLX Lab, at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Headed by Prof. Miles Pennington, the DLX Design Lab, situated within the Institute of Industrial Sciences at UTokyo, focuses on applying design principles to enhance the applicability of science and research in industry and society. Through collaboration with various research teams at IIS Department, the lab undertakes projects that incorporate a design perspective into the development of future technologies and early-stage research ideas.
During my tenure, I had the privilege of contributing to the Beyond 5G Project, which aimed to explore the future of mobility in a Japan enabled by 6G technology. I employed speculative design research methods, devised future scenarios, and curated public exhibitions that facilitated dialogue with the general public as well as industry leaders. Through my project, I gained profound insights into the cultural, social, and geographical aspects of Japanese society and how these factors influence the implementation of technologies such as 6G and Autonomous Vehicles. This experience has added fresh perspective in my career journey, instilling in me a drive to approach technology and innovation with a societal lens. I am now equipped with the tools and knowledge to address intricate global challenges and contribute.
During my tenure, I had the privilege of contributing to the Beyond 5G Project, which aimed to explore the future of mobility in a Japan enabled by 6G technology. I employed speculative design research methods, devised future scenarios, and curated public exhibitions that facilitated dialogue with the general public as well as industry leaders. Through my project, I gained profound insights into the cultural, social, and geographical aspects of Japanese society and how these factors influence the implementation of technologies such as 6G and Autonomous Vehicles. This experience has added fresh perspective in my career journey, instilling in me a drive to approach technology and innovation with a societal lens. I am now equipped with the tools and knowledge to address intricate global challenges and contribute.