Y-E-S奨励賞Plus 受賞者
Phetnidda Ouankhamchan
I would appreciate and thank you Honda Foundation for giving me such a great opportunity to experience many valuable things during my time in Japan. The main experience that I received from this internship is I have known how the international education system is. I have learned the scientific research methods with studying some lectures that involve to Data Analytics, the science topic that I have been interested in. Meanwhile, what wonderful things I have received are the kindly support from my professor and the long-life relationship from both my international labmates and classmates. Moreover, during my time in Japan, I had the good opportunity to attend many important and honor events of Honda Foundation, especially the Honda Prize ceremony. The ceremony gave me a strong inspiration to develop my skills on technology and science. Besides, what vividly impress me are the lifestyle and the beautiful culture of Japanese people. Japanese are not only very kind and friendly, but also discipline. This illustrates that Japan has the truly human civilization. Japanese foods are also gorgeous. Absolutely, I love Sushi and Sashimi. Last but not least, in my short period in Japan, I had the opportunity to sightsee some famous tourism places, and I found that Japan is the advanced technology and modern civilization country serving with the savor of the amazing historical architectures and the beauty of nature.